Amesbury CE Primary School

Residential Trips

In Year 6, we offer a residential trip to Govilon Activity Centre in Wales. This year the children are visiting the centre from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd November. Govilon is a fantastic place, positioned on the edge of the Brecon Beacons with access to a huge range of outdoor pursuits. The children learn to face challenges, work as a team and build independence. All those who go absolutely love their time and that even includes the teachers!

Take a look at their website to see what a wonderful place it is:

In order to keep costs down, Govilon is run as a not-for-profit organisation. As a school, we begin advertising the trip in Year 5 and offer a payment plan to support the costs. In this way, we hope that all children will be able to access this wonderful opportunity.

If your child is in Year 5 and you are interested in this wonderful opportunity, please speak to your class teacher or one of the admin team for more details.

Letters to Parents 2024

Govilon Residential Trip 2024 - Initial Letter to Parents

Govilon Residential Trip 2024 - Information Meeting Invitation

Govilon Residential Trip 2024 - Final Balance Letter

Govilon Residential 2023